
The concept of this video was a response to Holli McEntegart’s work. I wanted to explore human engagement with the intersections of real and imagined experience, also focusing on the use of materials and suggesting the experience of recovery and healing rituals. I’m aiming to relate to the experience that connects us with the concept of the unknowable, and really dissecting the healing process.

My goal for the score was to emphasize that process and the discomfort that might accompany that process.

Also provide another narrative on how rituals aim to heal and cleanse, but are not always a very simple nor uplifting process as Holli’s work might suggest the opposite with her use of salt and how she handles it (even the color/texture contrasts). I wanted to use soil, another element more directly related to the earth, and emphasize the discomfort that’s associated with change, ultimately healing, but also peeling these experiences and processing indeterminate beginnings and endings.




